Milestones to the Kingdom

Through the British Museum—with the Bible

Authors:          B. Edwards, C Anderson
Pages:            128
Revised:         2014 (4th Edition)
Order code:    TBM
Pub Price:       £9.99
My price:         £7.50
Weight grms:   190
UK post paid price = £8.80

Through the British Museum—with the Bible

Richly illustrated—around 150 pictures. Floor plans. Index of Bible refs. General index.

This handy pocket-sized guide*  takes you on a room-by-room tour of the Museum, pointing out the relevant sections of interest to Bible students. Even frequent visitors have discovered hidden gems!

This 4th edition covers the new museum layout.

An essential guide if you are visiting, and an informative arm-chair guide if you can’t!

* 4.5” x 8”  – 12 x 21cm

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